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Dr. Yan Yeung — Waterloo, ON
Preceptor Bio
Dr. Yeung completed his rheumatology training at Western University in 2018 and began practicing in Waterloo, Ontario. In Waterloo, he quickly established a growing group rheumatology practice. Dr. Yeung has a near-exclusively inflammatory practice with a mix of inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue diseases, and vasculitis.
Office Overview
Waterloo Rheumatology is a group of independently practicing rheumatologists (3 total with room for 1 more as of July 2021). The clinic has 11 exam rooms; Dr. Yeung uses 3. We also have an on-site specialty pharmacy technician, nurse, and an infusion suite.
Our clinic is surrounded by subspecialists: GI, cardio, resp, neuro; there is also a radiology suite and phlebotomy lab.
The clinic has abundant free parking with nearby restaurants and shopping.
Clinic Hours
Clinic usually runs Monday to Thursday 8am – 5pm; occasional Friday clinics.
Call/Hospital Responsibilities
No call or hospital responsibilities.