Complete your elective requirements with RheumCareers
The Community Elective Program for Canadian Rheumatology Residents provides residents the opportunity to complete their program’s community elective requirements in a different environment than their medical school, under the supervision of an experienced community rheumatologist at their clinic.
Participants are compensated reasonable travel costs by the Ontario Rheumatology Association. Included accommodations and program evaluations are arranged by the Rural Ontario Medical Program (ROMP).
This program is endorsed by Ontario’s rheumatology program directors and has been approved by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Program Goals
This program aims to inspire a greater proportion of young rheumatologists to practice outside of the highly-concentrated Toronto/GTA/Hamilton corridor by providing exposure to a representative Ontario community practice setting.
The uneven distribution of rheumatologists in our province presents a barrier to many patients needing access to specialist care.
This program is funded by the ORA and offered by RheumCareers in association with ROMP, Ontario’s rheumatology program directors, and the Royal College.
Application Details
Applications are accepted year-round. Residents will be contacted to confirm their information within one business week following the submission of their application.