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Dr. Saeed Shaikh — Niagara, ON
Preceptor Bio
Dr Saeed Shaikh is the Medical Director of the Niagara Peninsula Arthritis Centre (NPAC) and manages a full-time rheumatology practise. Since 2006, he has also been teaching the Community Rheumatology Rotation for the McMaster University Fellowship Program. Core interests include inflammatory arthritis, injections of joints, periarticular structures, and some nerve blocks.
Office Overview
Niagara Peninsula Arthritis Centre is a comprehensive hub for rheumatology and chronic inflammatory immune diseases. Dr. Shaikh and Dr. June Lee both provide adult focused consultancy patient care for the Niagara Region, which has a catchment of half a million people. The Clinic also has three infusion suites run by Charlton Health, which provides around 300 IV infusion treatments per month. There are four Registered Nurses providing clinical care and infusions at our facility.
There are themed Clinic days, including; 1) Inflammatory Arthritis, 2) Osteoarthritis and Soft Tissue Rheumatism injection clinics, and 3) Osteoporosis Fast Track Clinic, which is triaged by Osteoporosis Canada through the local hospital Fracture Clinics. We employ an RPN Study Coordinator that mainly manages Phase 4 studies and patient education. As of August 1, 2021, the Arthritis Society will be next door and operating their clinic, which will include a Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist.
We use Accuro as our EMR. On site parking is free.
Clinic Hours
Hours are 8:15 am – 4:00 pm Monday to Thursday and usually 8:15 am – 12:00 pm on Fridays.
Call/Hospital Responsibilities
There are no hospital or on-call responsibilities